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Ancien événement - Conférence Partenaires

11/07/2019 au 12/07/201915th World conference on intellectual capital for communities      

Dear Colleagues, 


Your are kindly invited to the 


The 15th Edition of

The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities

July 11 & 12 , 2019

Artificial intelligence
and the next generation of competences :

How Digital – and Artificial Intelligence-
will impact jobs and competences profiles?

Organised by
The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud
And UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Information for All programme (IFAP)


If you would like to attend , please register here.


You will find further information on the conference website* - it will be updated with the latest IC15 information in the time leading up to the conference.


Best regards, 
Professor, Holder of the European Chair on Intangibles
Coordinator of the  Research Group on Networks & Innovation, RITM:
Editor: SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces
Tel: +33140911733
Lieu : UNESCO, Paris 7Animateur/Intervenant/Conférencier : Yniversité Paris Saclay & UNESCO
