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19/04/2022 Comité SME & Startup : table ronde avec 4iP Council      


2021 logo les France


Société membre de la Licensing Executives Society International
Association sans but lucratif - Loi de 1901

Suivi d'un cocktail à Paris

Comité SME & Startup : table ronde avec 4iP Council
le mardi 19 avril,
de 17h00 à 19h00

à l'Espace HAMELIN
7 Rue de l'Amiral Hamelin, 75116 Paris

19 avril


Summary for the topic: SMEs/startups and SEPs


Many SMEs contribute to Standards Development Organizations (SDOs): almost 30% of the members of ETSI are SMEs.

SMEs and startups’ strategies are diverse: depending on their business models, their domain of activity and their level of technical expertise and understanding of the standardization ecosystem.

What is certain is that more and more SMEs want to contribute to, and leverage, cellular technologies to build technical solutions and services.

The presentation will present the opportunities offered to SMEs by contributing to standardization, approaching standards essential patents (SEPs) from an implementer’s and from a SEP owner’s perspectives.


Guest speaker :Axel Ferrazzini

Axel is the managing director of 4iP Council since 2017, a research council working across a broad variety of industries and sectors to promote the role of intellectual property in innovation. He has a strong background in technology research and policy development. In addition to be an elected member of the ETSI Board since 2014, Axel’s career is rooted in research and development and holds more than 20 patents.
He has an MS in Computer Science from EPITA and an Executive MBA in innovation strategy and entrepreneurship from the ESSEC & Mannheim business schools.


Click to view the slides



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Dernière modification : 22/04/2022
